
Graduate Research committee – led by Anca Serbanescu. Founded and previously led by Sarah Brown. This task force puts a focus on research by grad students (Masters and PhD) to further exchange, provide support and offer a forum for early career researchers. Contact Anca Serbanescu if interested in joining or for any inquiries (ankaserbanescu at

Promotion and Advancement committee – led by Hartmut Koenitz and Josh Fisher and including Luis Bruni and Colette Daiute. The aim of this committee is to create a tenure equivalency document and recruit a team of expert reviewers for tenure and examination. Those interested should reach out to Hartmut Koenitz (hkoenitz at

IDN in Education committee – led by Jonathon Barbara. This committee will be looking into how IDN can become a part of school (K-12) curricula and will be producing a white paper with recommendations. Students are also welcome to join as task force members! Those interested should reach out to Jonathon Barbara (barbaraj at

Task Forces

Task Force on Inclusive Pricing Structure – led by Agnes Bakk. This task force will be looking into how to adjust registration for membership and conference registration according to GDP. Those interested should reach out to Agnes Bakk (bakk at

Task Force on ARDIN Outreach – led by Maria Cecilia Reyes. Aims of this task force are to create awareness about Interactive Digital Narratives and around ARDIN, and to build partnerships with industry, art and education institutions, among others key stakeholders. Contact (mariaceciliareyesr at

Discord Channel(s) are available to ARDIN members