With COVID-related restrictions still in effect at UC Santa Cruz, it became increasingly unlikely that we would be able to offer an in-situ conference experience for our community in California this year. While last year’s virtual edition was testimony to the potential of well-organized virtual meetings, we are keenly aware of the value of in-person encounters and the prevalence of “Zoom fatigue”.
After considering a range of options, we approached the hosts of ICIDS 2022 and are now happy to announce a solution we feel serves our community best: ICIDS 2021 and 2022 will exchange locations with most of the organizing team staying in place. ICIDS 2021 will take place with in-situ and virtual attendance options on December 7-10 in Tallinn, Estonia, co-chaired by Michael Mateas and David Lamas, while ICIDS 2022 will take place in fall 2022 in Santa Cruz. The deadlines for contributions will be extended by four weeks, to 23 July 2021.
The ARDIN executive board and ICIDS 2021/2022 chairs